Tag Archives: Yellow Poui - Port Limón.com

Yellow Poui (Tabeuia ochracea).

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Yellow poui (Tabeuia ochracea).
Common names: Ipê, Poui, trumpet trees and pau d'arco.

A gorgeous blooming tree with medicinal properties

This is probably one of the most gorgeous trees when blooming around the World.

Part of Bignoniaceae family, which is a family that joins tropical trees and woody vines with very beautiful flowers and interesting woody fruits.

This tree blooms at the end of the dry season and produces dense clusters of yellow flowers while has dropped its leaves making the view of flowers even more impressive.

Its bark contains Lapachol, an important ingredient in naturalistic medicine that works as expectorant, and as topical antibiotic. Lapachol has also shown to have anti corcenogic activity in laboratories. (Pablo Sanchez, personnal comunication)

It’s more common to observe this tress blooming on the pacific slope of Costa Rica but there are also present on the Caribbean slope.